Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Arranged Marriage...Yay or Nay

Branching from the thought provoking discussion of racism, I would like to offer this second societal quandary; What are some of our audiences opinion on arranged marriage?

Beginning from our early Nawabs, this tradition is alive and well today, even in culturally modernized places such as the US and UK. Is this planned pairing of matrimonial partners more of a collectivistic or individualistic act? I mean, do the parents join their respective offsprings to ensure a solid partnership between the two, or is arranged marriage more of a collaboration of two families?

Who is the true beneficiary of this outcome? How much say do the children have in this decision?

Your thoughts ladies and gentlemen.

Respectfully submitted,

"Lo Karlo Baath"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am not sure if its good or bad bcuz if u think about it its good because your parents know wat is best for u but then again u have to decide should have a right to decide who u want to marry.