If you are one of the unlucky locals who missed the last two picnics, we have good news for you:
After the overwhelming success of the last two years picnic,
We have decided to hold another one this year (Nawab Bari Picnic 2006).
The date, entry fee and the picnic spot will be announced shortly.
*Both picnic had 100+ Nawab Barian attendants.
* By the number of participants- the picnic is always the largest outdoor gathering for the Nawabbarians in the North America.
* The picnic bus and the kafela of cars departs from 167 St Jamaica Hillside NY.
*There were always more food than you can eat (Breakfast, Polao, kheer, BBQ Chicken, Jhal Muri, Chatpati, sweet juicy water melon, oranges , tea, soda and various snacks throughout the day).
*Lots of games for the kids and the women, cricket and soccer for the boys and for the family an opportunity to take a deep dip in the blue Atlantic Ocean.
*Custom made t shirt for the family (with Nawab bari theme included).
Few suggestions in advance:
*Save your vacation days for the picnic.
* Start shedding weight.
*Do not come late for the pinic bus.
* Don’t forget the sunlock lotion
* Do not plan to bring a non Nawabbarian guest- this is a 100% family picnic.
This is Shahadat
I am very excited about the Picnic. I am waiting 4 summer. We will do somthing new , like new game people never play it ,new, nice and beautiful place and some suspens.
Keep and touch with us
i think this one is gonna b the hottest cuz all the ppl r gonna b there....eeeee cant wait..im ready to help out
will get some good chances to flirt with girls..er...family picnic =[
yea no doubt this will be the most jamming thing ever. i don't know about the flirting. or maybe i should say i don't know which person in our family can really flirt but its going to be the picnic that everyone one will remember. but hey i don't think it will be the best becuase saniya, anas, ans shahadat are very adventurouse and they allmight have more in plan for us. though they only disappointing thing aobout our family is that some people take advantage of the 3 poeple who plan and do good things for our family.what i mean is when they come to collect money they don't give in the money till the last day . hello people they need to get shirts and food and paln stuff. sorry to say this BUT WE WERE THE NAWAB FAMILY NOT THE "NAWAB" NAME GOT TO EVERYONES HEAD PEOPLE THIS IS AMREICA NOT BANGALDESH !
dude u anonymous sorry but u sickos..flirting in our picnic....go find a wife....im sorry but not gonna happen....and about saniya apa n anas bhaiya n shahaddat....boi...grl...u wont doooo annyyythhinngggggg in the picnic....ur probably lazy....u shud b thankful that these three ppl r working theyre butts off day and night to make u happy....sooooo please dun tell me bull...sumtimes i wish u wud go back to bangladesh...n second...yes im fatima and im not afraid to say the name my parents gave me.....hav fun....n saniya apa anas bhaiya n shahaddat bhaiya......hope u guys always make the picnic...bcuz other ppl...like such wont b able to do a better job than u
Way to go Fatima !
look i didnt mean to say that those 3 people are doing a bad job. i mean to say THEY ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE DOING THE JOB. think about it . they plan they buy teh things for it wat not else. we should give them something they desrve much nmore then wat they get which is NOTHING!
sorry for the mistake...hey i couldnt understand..person who said way to go thx...anyways...theyre my cuzinz so thas y i freaked out...n anyways i am not apologizing abt the fact...the flirting thing.......ugh whoevr wrote that......u noe for u ppl...man we dun hav young guy cuzinz ....soo it has to b one of the old guy creeps... that want to hit on 15 yr olds...sorry for me being rude...but i think for u ppl who wanna flirt i have no words
one thing i wanted to say y dun u anonymous pplll jus say ur name...neither will we kill u nor hunt u down...soo jus breathe in and out n tell us ur name....were not gonna hurt u.....
one thing i wanted to say y dun u anonymous pplll jus say ur name...neither will we kill u nor hunt u down...soo jus breathe in and out n tell us ur name....were not gonna hurt u.....
Dear Anonymous there is alot of places where u can flirt with girls than navabbari picnic. I don't know why u guys embarace ur self like tht. Its not worth it.
u go person who said that....u rock dude/dudette
i think zoha and fatima are right!!!
yay gooooo meee
no u dun rock . no one likez u .lol its true someone said that so u would stop leaving commentzlol no they luv u
y r u being jealous.....ZAINAB OR SANIYA APA...lol....come on they do love me..im special...or mayb they do want me to stop talking..lolz
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