Fizza Arshad was born on January 8, 2006 at Trillium Hospital of Mississauga Canada.
Her birth weight was 6lbs 11oz.
She is the daughter of Syed Arshad (s/o Syed Akram Hossain) and Nazia Arshad (d/o Khwaja Khosru).
May Allah bless her with a healthy and happy life.

Congrat Arshad
Now you will feel what Parenthood (pain hood! :-) is all about!
Hope to u guys in NY
awh that babie is sooo cute...god bless u and your family
cool name fiza vineet sang that song in sa re ga ma pa.congrats and parenthood isnt painhood its bad carma what goes around comes around. be mean to ur parents ur kids b mean 2 u
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