Anika Syed (d/o Aleya Begum-Goli & Syed Altaf Hossain) of Toronto got married to Syed Tamim Hossain (son of Syed Hedayat Hossain) on March 3rd at EFES Gulshan Dhaka.
Anika is the grand daughter of Khwaja Ashraf Alam & Sogra Begum (d/o K.M.Mosharraf). Congratulation and best wishes to the newlywed.
congratssssssssssssssssss...hope u guys hav a grreeeaat life together
u looks really nice in this picture...but about me..lol leave it
hey Tamim congratsss...u'r wife is really preety...u look's together like..so CUTEeeeee...
Many many Congrats dude
i wish a very happy life for both of you.
Wish a good n happy life to both of u....may Allah bless u.
gosh...gr8 to hear da newzz....congrats....u two look gr8 2gthr...hey tamim nxt time ur wiffee comes dont 4gt to bring her along(when thrzz a get2gthr..)....n good luck....hope u guyz live happily ever aftr...tra la la la la.. ;)
congratssssssssss tamim . looking nice and nice couple. i wish a veryyyyyyyyyyy happy life both of u
Congratulations!!!i wish and pray for ur life...u will always be happy together...
congrats dost!!!!...yer a lucky lad i can c ayee..hope er gona get ovr it..lol..gud luck dude!!(Y)...
hey tamim bhai......congrats for the wedding.....tho i couldent be there but i hope nothing but the best things for u guys in the future married life.....the pictures are great...tho u look a little shy.....anyways have fun...
Tamim congrats to you and your wife. Wish you all the best in life. I wish you have a very happy future ahead. Blessings for you,your wife and your future kids
Samar Islam
congratz have a great life 2gether.u 2z look great 2gether. "match made in heaven"lol
i don belive this...man u r now a married man..lolzzzz.wat abt u'r wife??is she in Dhaka??say her a big HIIII frm me.
Tamim...u got F in cmn301 exam.....hai april FOOL.hihihi.neway congratsssss frm ur beautiful friend :)..hihihi
are they nawab barian ? or related to someone who's from nawab family ? any idea ? c'mon light up some sense in me plz...i'm confused....
made 4 each other.....god bless u & anika.....Tamim : alwayz keep anika smiling.....Anika : dudho nahao puto falo :p.....just kiddin.....best of luck both of u guys.....
i think theyre related to the ppl thaat r married...cuz they keep talkin abt them...figure...
gr8 tamim bhai.enjoyd ur weddin.and u gys look gr8 together.and wish u have a mappy married life.but wat abt the 99 gf's u had.he he he he he jus kiddin
Congrats Man !!
Got to know it today that you got married.
Have a very happy life together bro
:: SURJO ::
u guyz r gr8 2gether man.....tanim lookz old man ha ha ha......have faith man an god will shower luv 4 both of ya........it was #@$%*$ shockin an nice man....beta tor to hoile riad bhaiyer kobe hoibo........god bless u
Congrats Tamim...the Mrs is beautiful. May Allah bless you with a long, happy, conjugal life
ey tamim, Ashique here man, jus dropped by to wish u gud luck for years ahead with ur wife, u found a pretty wife, warm wishes, take care....God Bless ya bro....see ya around...
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